Game Update - Version 1.3

Version 1.3 - Game Update

Hello everyone! It's been a long time since I don't post anything about Phil Alone. The real reason is... I am looking for a lot of jobs in the game industry in Thailand, because I am moving to Bangkok after Covid-19: Unfortunaly, I am getting a lot of negative answers of my portfolio or resume, but one guy that made the interview with me made me realize something: I need to improve my portfolio and I need to show more of what I can do working as a Game Designer. Thanks to him, I found out what I am missing in this interviews, so I decided to stop working for now on Phil Alone for the time being because they can be good games, but not for someone that wants to work in others companies.

Thank you so much everyone that is following me and seeing how much work I put on Phil Alone, and thank you everyone that translated the game, the amazing artist Lime Zu that helped me a lot in this game, and thank you the Ludum Dare, because I only started to develop this game because of this Game Jam!

This is not a completely "Goodbye Phil Alone" but a "See you later..." ! 

Let's go to the updates on this new version that I will release in March:

  • Texts Updates - When I was updating the texts from Portuguese, Spanish and French, I found out that there were so texts that weren't translated yet and were still in English. So, there will be this little change, it's just some sentences that I forgot to send to the translators.
  • Language Update - The version 1.3 of Phil Alone will be released in a new language... KOREAN! Yes, thanks to César Tabosa, a Korean Teacher from Brazil, we will be releasing this version with a new language!
  • Credits Update - The English version didn't had the Spanish translator name, so we are adding because everyone deserve the credits!

I will doing a complete scan in every one of the versions of the game to see if I find so more bugs or problems that I need to fix it, but for now this will be the new updates!

See you guys soon!

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